

[N-CASS review] Customer Success Story of Wonjin Mold-Tech



Company introduction

The company is located in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. it is a core/ graphite processing company. We have six NC equipment, and we use the N-CASS and NC Brain by Nice Solution.




Situation and difficulties that company has suffered

CAM operator and the NC operator worked separately at the moment. Because of this, the CAM operator worked with arranged program at night shift to process things that could not be finished. In addition, the resignation of CAM workers has led to the president's working on CAM work.




Solution/ Setting goals

We aim to reduce the burden on the staff of CAM and extra work, as the president is in charge of CAM work as a temporary expedient.




  • Results / Goal attainment /Take-off

    We hired new workers, and it was not difficult for the NC workers to take over the CAM work. It is because the company helped adaptation of DB standardization and automatization by N-CASS. In addition, one more machine was added to operate smoothly.

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