

[N-CASS Review] Customer Success Stories of Hyundai Molding Technology


  • Company introduction

    Hyundai Molding, located in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, Korea has 9 NC equipment. They already had been installed on all 9 NC equipment by Nice Solutions, and as results reduced time and process more than 30 %.

    Situation and difficulties that company has suffered

    The design department worked electrode modeling too. One operator was responsible for electrode tooling, NC work, and the machine was often stopped with the tool operation. Therefore, the improvement of CAM operations was urgently needed.

    Solution/ Setting goals\
    Our goal was to let N-CASS process electrodes and not to stop the machines through consultation with NICE.

  • Results / Goal attainment /Take-off

    Over 90 % of the electrode operations are handled by N-CASS, results in higher than 30 % improvement in operating capacity and reduced outsourcing costs by 30 %.

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