

[Customer interview] Seongil precision, when the customer is hard to deal with problems, they support companies as complementary operations.

When the customer is hard to deal with problems, they support companies as complementary operations.


Use products: NC Brain, GSTAR CAD, Power mill


Did you know that Nice Solution is at Gasan Digital Station?
Today, we visited Seongil which is located across from our area after passing the bridge.
Today's Interviewee is CEO of Seongil Precision Industries, Seong-cheol Lee. Unlike most other molds companies, he was a 40’s young president. (His wife advised him to make hair-permed and it was still strongly permed, but it was cute enough.)





Introduction of Seongil Precision
Seongil Precision is the largest base building in the Gyeonggi and Incheon area, and he started as a private operator in September 2001 and turned into a corporate in 2014. He considers the most important thing in corporate management is 'people', consisting of 50 % of young employees and 50 % of skilled employees, and put emphasis on a complementary cultural role to all 15 employees in order to create harmony.

It is rare for the mold industry, but they are working five days a week. For the fast delivery, the excellent skills of experienced employees, and improving the quality of investment for processing costs.

For these reasons, such as Daedong Mold and Taeyang Precision, who have been in the business for more than 16 years, you can see that the relationship continues to every year.
In particular, highly developed three-years cycle, the company aims to establish its own factory within three years and establish a welfare society for employees. 





Seong-cheol, Lee, the 40 generation leader in the mold industry, Seongil Precision

He liked mold better than studying, as the result of that, Seong-cheol Lee and his brother-in-law established the toll processing BASE in 2001. Our customers and suppliers have been together without any doubt and as if they lasted as customers. For him, if there is anything else important about running a company, it is loyalty. So, I have an account of more than 16 years and the facilities supply company is still running without competing. He also keeps introducing NICE to other people, and additional purchases and contacts since meeting with NC Brain, six or seven years ago.


The relationship between Nice Solutions and Seongil..
As the volume of items for orders increased, and the idea to build a factory rose, I met Nice Solution with the introduction of a friend of mine. As people already knows, verification of the NC Brain is a top priority and as a result of its recommendation grows the post service. I started to use one copy of NC Brain, and now amounts of them are continuously increasing.
I’m interested in N-CASS also, but it is not yet possible because of the company's field. It's like having a good Korean restaurant, but it's like trying out for a Western restaurant, so I want to make my company firm on BASE industry first, and then hope to use N-CASS as my second business.

After the introduction of Nice Solution
Processing speed is faster than before. The mold industry often depends on skilled workers, but even beginners can manipulate the mold, so it reduces the causes of defects and can control the quality of products. Due to the improving quality and delivery, leads to a growing number of customers, so it is creating a virtuous cycle structure. 

What do you think is the advantage of NICE?
It is optimized for the CAM. I don't know any other companies’, I pay 10,000 won per day, and I spend 300,000 won a month on expenses, and I think it deserve. It creates higher production values than product prices. It will be filled over time rather than expecting of BEP within a short period of time. Having good reactive processors is helpful, so you can easily use them if you have any problems on your holiday.

Evaluation of Nice Solution’s Employees
This is because I have a good relationship with Nice Solution that complements me when I'm really stuck in problems. Whenever I called, "Help me, director Youn!", he always come to us regardless of T.O.P. So, it became a win-win for each other.
The relationship between Nice Solutions and Seongil is not a one-sided relationship. And it's not just about being in a temporary relationship. For most sales-people, they are closed for about two months before it sold, but when it is delivered, it turns into unknown people. However, we tied each other with loyalty, I trust Nice Solution.





Last words to NICE
I am happy with the Nice Solution because it's price effective enough. However, as a partener, I would like you to listen carefully to other opinions on R&D to ensure it is reflected in the product development.

The Nice Solutions is one of the few software companies in Korea that has the technology. Please make sure you make products that reflects the voice of the fields.







<CADCAM Expert Group NiceSolution +82 2-2027-1700>
#nicesolution#N-CASS#AutoCAM#SUNGIL PRECISION#CEO Lee Seong-cheol#ProcessingBASE#interview



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