Use Products: N-CASS, NX, Power mill
One day in May of this year, over 30 degrees of weather for the first time in
this year, I met my interviewee Joonwoo Cheong, who is currently located in
Siheung, Gyeonggi-do.
of Hwichan Precision
Hwichan Precision (CEO Dong-koo Lee, was established in 2013
and is a young company that specializes in graphite electrodes. Although the
office is located in a fortress that is not easily accessible, but it has a
power to build its own office in started business only four years. To become a
" trusted company," they strive to respond to customer satisfaction.
They started with a one-man enterprise, and then now,
gathering of 12 young technicians aimed at creating a ‘Total Solution of
graphite electode.’ Hwichan Precision invests 30 % of revenues in R&D, and hangs
slogan of "good people”.
Meet the Director
of Hwichan, Joonwoo Cheong.
Joonwoo Cheong used to be a first worker and started working
at the field and is currently responsible for manufacturing. He worked at CAM
department at the first time, but gradually got recognition as a multi-player,
and became responsible for the management of the company. He is also running
today as aiming to grow into a global corporation within five years.
What is the current using
product of Nice Solution?
the company uses UG NX for 3D CAD, the power mill for CAD, and the N-CASS for
the automation. The expectation I have is that your product has a great deal,
so I want to upgrade right away. We are interested in all the evolution of the
software, so we are interested in N-CASS core.
What made you get
involved with NICE?
used N company and P company’s products before, we found that can maintain
consistent quality, and stabilize tools that were not affected by the
operator's level of work. For stable adoption, we selected N-CASS after
examining test in three months, each trials run of products of D company and Nice
Solution N-CASS, and finally we selected N-CASS. Currently, our satisfaction
rate is 60 %. Forty percent of us are not satisfied with the content, but we
think that we need to be able to create a solution to our company, and we think
it's something that needs to evolve into a customized solution.
Nice Solution’s
think it's a good for experienced workers. And I am very satisfied with the
shorten time and the quality assurance which were the key considerations.
The benefits of
are two things: First of all, ability in the customer's response to remote
support and customer service. Everything in the world cannot be perfect, but
it's clear that we need to match and respond to the needs of our company.
Secondly, there is a high willingness to satisfy functional and technical
support in the required parts. Is there another company like this in the same
industry as ours?
Evaluation of Nice
Solution’s Employees
and active. Not only for our company but also they create the network
relationships with other companies.
How would you
describe NICE as a single sentence?
Nice Solution is our family.
Last words for NICE
I hope
you will support like now in order to ensure that we can grow into a global
company within five years. We will support NICE too.
After an interview, I really eagerly look forward to continue as a win-win
relationship, I cannot wait to see the growth of Hwichan precision with young