



Standardizing works and Improving productivity

Hello, I’m an user of N-CASS. I’ve worked on CAM about 10years, I used many programs before. I realized I really needed “automation”, “standardization” and “easy accessibility”. Even though the previous programs had good points, there was a limit of automation, it was a “lack of analytics.” No matter how Nice macro program set, if the analytics were too weak, it takes time to fix it.  

But N-CASS has stunning analytics I never seen before, it helped problems solved. Staffs tried to communicate a lot, and worked on suitable set up by processing situation, and make standardization of works.

By replacing the area of human’s judgement, we were able to achieve the elevation of the ability by using N-CASS.

Moreover, we have applied to the field of new employees, we feel that we have a lot of effect on them. I don’t think there’s nothing to develop, or N-CASS can fix all the problems. But it would make a better program for the staffs and technical skills of Nice Solutions. I wish you could cheer up and make better program. Thank you!

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WriterManager Hong



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