

[Customer Interview] Samwoo mold – Seokhyun Hong, manager






Customer interviews are always the most straightforward places to encounter, so they are always very careful, but they are always alive.
This time, we interviewed with the
Samwoo mold, which are closely related to Nice Solution.

First of all, thank you very much for your interview with Seokhyun Hong, who contributed to this interview.





Q1. Let me introduce yourself briefly.
Hi, everyone. This is Seokhyun Hong, manager of Samwoo mold. After graduating from university, I joined Samwoo and I am currently working as a production manager of CAM2 department.



Q2. How long have you been working at Samwoo mold?
This December will be my 13 years of Samwoo mold. Currently, I am responsible for 5 axis CAM and electrode automation areas.


Q3. What kind of company is it? I wonder what business philosophy is here when it comes to business.
It focuses on providing the best quality for the customer at the right time.
In addition, training sessions are also ongoing for employees in order to learn by professionals to meet customer satisfaction.



Q4 What are the main products?
We produce a range of injection molds in various fields such as automobiles, household appliances, and precision parts.


 Q5. Did you wish to be improved in the past?
Because there are many repetitive tasks, they have applied the macro operation. But for every worker  works differently so standardization was not easy. We needed to create a quick and precise technology to satisfy our clients as getting shorter term and higher quality.


Q.6. I wonder how Samwoo and Nice Solution work together.
 Okay. Since we introduced of NC Brain and N-CASS, the company has received support from NICE.
 ① We had a concern the quality of molds in the delivery deadline. We needed a solution that improved the processing tools and improving processing speed, checking the load area, and optimizing the load. Then, finally we met NC Brain.
N-CASS is a solution for standardization of electrode. While looking for ways to increase productivity through standardization and automation, N-CASS has the highest levels of technology.


Q7. What is the difference between before and after a solution?
Through the standardization of NC Brain and N-CASS, we can achieve a certain level of results.
We've been able to finish tasks fast by automating repetitive tasks, reducing the time, and we can focus on important features, and produce high levels of results.



Q8. If you have an episode with Nice Solution, please introduce one!

Cheonil Youn, Ilho Park, Kyusun Park and Jaewhi Shin, who worked in Nice Solution, are impressed with all the excitement and kindness. There was a lot of big and small problems, even though N-CASS was stabilized.
They've always been supportive, so we've been able to reliably stabilize our operations, our analytical capabilities and standardizing the work.Despite the fact that the company moved to Dangjin, they visited us for supporting.








Thank you very much for your time, Seokhyun Hong, who has been interviewed with us.

I am happy to share with everyone in our NICE family all the time!

As the content of the interview, Nice Solution will try to improve the contents and to become a partner.

Thank you very much.



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