

[N-CASS review] Customer Success Story of Jinil TRD

  • Company introduction

    This company is located in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Jinil TRD is a specialized mold maker that manufactures automobile accessories. Currently, they are using N-CASS and NC Brain.

    Situation and difficulties that company has suffered

    Whilst the operator was working on the electrode and core, the focus was on the core part more than electrode part and CAM operations and electrode work was 50 to 50, and we were looking for solutions to efficient solutions for simple and repetitive works.

    Solution/ Setting goals

    We aim to reduce the working hours of operators and improve portion of the Core part, and 2) ensuring that the work hours are effectively used by the system.

    Results / Goal attainment /Take-off

    More than 90 % of the electrode models in-house are handled by the N-CASS, thereby adjusting the proportion of electrode modeling and CAM operations to 50 to 10 of the work hours. If a beginner could be able to handle modeling, then the CAM operation could be supported. We could save 30 to 40 % of the time of CAM operation, and we were able to immerse ourselves in the core parts.

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